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AWP Counseling Network

As a part of the AWP community, you get access to skilled and experienced counselors that have a caring heart towards people and a track record of helping individuals navigate life's challenges, traumas, transitions, and successes. You don't have to walk through life with pain nor confusion all alone. Seeking counsel is utilizing wisdom. Review the counselors' services and schedule an appointment today based on your need. 

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Life Coaching

Tina Hester

  • Freedom Session

  • 1:1 Coaching

  • Lifestyle Freedom Mentoring

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Christian Booklet

Counseling Services

NHisImge - Alexis Alexander

  • Counseling intensives focusing on healing inner child wounds that impact adulthood

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Life Coaching | Grief Counseling | Marriage Counseling |

Health & Fitness

Kimberly Iverson

  • Trifecta approach to personal growth to move one forward towards achieving goals and living fully  as the person God has called you to be

  • Healing from cancer, loss of loved ones, miscarriages, and death of hopes and dreams through faith and practical tools that create the space to feel, cry, celebrate, and move forward

  • Kimberly is a certified Faster Way to Fat Loss coach with sessions and nutritional plans available for optimal health

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Empowering Individuals & Families

BrasWellness Group

  • Parent Coaching

  • Marriage Coaching

  • Premarital Coaching

  • Couples Coaching

  • Individual Coaching

  • Trainings, Workshops, & Seminars

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Mental Health & Trauma Resolution Services

Praysha Spearman, LMFT

  • Individual therapy designed for exploring and processing emotions, especially related to sexual trauma

  • Family counseling to address mental health needs

  • Couples therapy to clarify problems and personalize solutions for your marriage, pre-marital, or partner relationship

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We help your brain help you. _ Relax. Rebalance. Reset. _ Cereset 2023-06-28 18-50-24.png

Brain Balance Therapy


  • Cereset is a non-invasive proven technology that resets and balances the brain; allowing it to heal traumas naturally

You are not weak to get help;
you are wise

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